Mercantile in a sentence as an adjective

Instead I stumbled upon an article about a rich heir to "a mercantile family" who talks about money, money, money.

Europe never \n > had a mercantile road system because it never needed \n > one because of the excellent water transport.

There are records of mercantile law going back to Hammurabi; there's been paper fiat currency in China since the 7th century or so. Coinage and trade has plenty of historical record in Phoenician and Roman era.

" The old nobility got that way because they supported the king in military campaigns in exchange for titles, land, and protected agricultural or mercantile monopolies and warrants.

Here are the figures: 22% "residential street, road, or residential driveway"; 18% "vehicle parking area"; 17% "highway or divided highway"; 8% "unclassified street"; 6% "street or road in commercial area"; 5% "mercantile or office"; 4% "open land, beach or campsite".

So, at a bare minimum, the lowest fraction of fires that could be on roads would be 17% + 8% +% 6% = 31%, and that assumes that none of the "residential street, road, or residential highway" and "mercantile or office" figures are for cars being driven on the road -- which seems monstrously improbable.

When the guillotines fall -- literally or metaphorically -- the new distributed financial system will take over in the same way that mercantile and industrial financial systems took over after the fall of Medieval feudalism.

As vulgar Bibles had established the linguistic boundaries of major mercantile polities between the 14th and 17th Centuries, a combination of historic and scientific research into those languages helped to formulate an intellectual sense of nationality for different states during this time.

The American Revolution was a strange tenuous cooperation between an economic elite that saw independence as the way out of a mercantile demand on the part of Britain, and a political class which was versed in Enlightenment political philosophy and saw an opportunity for using Locke and Montesquieu as a handbook for a new kind of government.

Mercantile definitions


of or relating to the economic system of mercantilism; "mercantile theories"; "mercantile system"


profit oriented; "a commercial book"; "preached a mercantile and militant patriotism"- John Buchan; "a mercenary enterprise"; "a moneymaking business"

See also: mercenary


relating to or characteristic of trade or traders; "the mercantile North was forging ahead"- Van Wyck Brooks