Mental in a sentence as an adjective

As an example, this past year my debate topic was mental health.

But the mental health of founders is a real issue and rarely discussed.

Have you ever being diagnosed with a mental illness?5.

My mom attributed it to mental illness, everyone else did too.

If a sudden moment of clarity would be a repeatable cure for mental illness, we would not need mental healthcare.

Each of these is a 'modifier' that power users are used to, but which make the mental model of file manipulation much harder for beginners to wrap their heads around.

If this were the olympics of mental gymnastics, you would take the gold medal in every category.> So, here's the story: He is expecting a number at around 100 miles because he thinks he's being more efficient now.

Source of my problems: design issues 5% architecture constraints 5% language shortcomings 1% mental blocks 5% personal time management 4% personal energy 5% communication with others 75% I waste more time just trying to figure out what others are trying to say, sometimes in person and by voice, but mostly in writing.

Mental definitions


involving the mind or an intellectual process; "mental images of happy times"; "mental calculations"; "in a terrible mental state"; "mental suffering"; "free from mental defects"


of or relating to the mind; "mental powers"; "mental development"; "mental hygiene"


of or relating to the chin- or liplike structure in insects and certain mollusks


of or relating to the chin or median part of the lower jaw

See also: genial


affected by a disorder of the mind; "a mental patient"; "mental illness"