Melodramatic in a sentence as an adjective

I realize that people are a little annoyed at this tact, and think it is melodramatic.

Not only that, but it's just slightly less obviously melodramatic.

And your point is also a bit historically melodramatic.

But the write up is far too melodramatic for me to believe this was written by someone actually involved in the situation.

We had a real shot, with significant milestones behind us. Unfortunately our weak link was an immature, melodramatic singer that was terrified of success.

It's painfully melodramatic and offers almost no insight whatsoever.

I realized I had to do something or she would never have the chance to learn and love programming because the *** clowns behind me would make it impossible for her to do so."Seems a tad melodramatic as a reaction to a private conversation.

Not to be melodramatic, but as someone still in a day job this whole patent mess seriously does discourage me from taking the leap and risking everything to try to invent something meaningful only to get hit with a patent troll lawsuit just as we start to find our feet.

Melodramatic definitions


having the excitement and emotional appeal of melodrama; "a melodramatic account of two perilous days at sea"


characteristic of acting or a stage performance; often affected; "histrionic gestures"; "an attitude of melodramatic despair"; "a theatrical pose"

See also: histrionic