Meerkat in a sentence as a noun

We'd be either a slow loris or a meerkat.

The anger is all directed at the meerkat and you can't ignore it like you ignore emails.

Nothing you want permanently on the web. Maybe it can become something like periscope or meerkat.

The meerkat that does this has a demonstrably higher risk of being eaten, but in doing so improves the odds of survival for its close family.

Having a personal vendetta against 'string'ly typed programming, upon seeing the headline, my head involuntarily perked up like that of a meerkat.

A room full of noisy people is actually less of a problem than an overly quiet office, where a single phone ringing will set everyone doing meerkat impressions...Not disagreeing with the headphones bit, I couldn't wear them for 8hrs.

Meerkat definitions


a mongoose-like viverrine of South Africa having a face like a lemur and only four toes

See also: mierkat