Meaty in a sentence as an adjective

Great article -- just the kind of meaty technical content I love seeing here.

This lets you have a meaty graphics card at home and a mobile one on the go--very useful.

In the sketch, they look very meaty indeed, and their speech sounds like flapping meat, so that it does not work at all.

Some developers want nothing more than a real, meaty technical challenge.

There's an amino acid called glutamate which creates an umami or "meaty" flavor.

The LES needs really high thrust to get the fragile meaty cargo as far away from the exploding rocket as quickly as possible.

They're fine-grained enough to be described in a few pages and meaty enough to make the reader feel they've really learned something.

Most people never really notice how much of life in designed for the people in the meaty part of the bell curve unless they are or are close to an outlier.

That's the real, underlying reason mac products have such a good relationship with developers: apple can't resist those meaty chunks.

He picks really meaty, technical projects which most individuals would not attempt alone, if they even think the project is possible.

If you get into your 30s and 40s and haven't worked on a couple of serious, meaty projects-- and a lot of people haven't-- then you start facing the age discrimination issues.

Or, as a a "spinning" script might reword it:> Implements and setups that take a corpus of tuber text and create meaty number of changes of that tranquil, to avoid duplicate content sanctions when trying to stuff localities to catch Google's contemplation.

Meaty definitions


like or containing meat; "enough of vegetarianism; let's have a meaty meal"


being on topic and prompting thought; "a meaty discussion"

See also: substantive