Mayhem in a sentence as a noun

Sounds like a great way to create mayhem: talk to isp, fake a gov warrant.

" And they would either say "Yeah, wow it was amazing ... " and tell some story of mayhem, or "No.

You didn't deserve it, because nobody deserves war and mayhem.

Whenever I'd cause particular mayhem, he'd take me to the local library to learn where my latest experiment had gone badly.

Just FYI, Cyberbunker aka cb3rob aka Sven Kamphuis has been involved in scandals, conflicts, lawsuits and general mayhem for ages.

" and foretold all sorts of doom and mayhem if the publicly owned electric utility would build a publicly financed fiber network.

When the first post-Roe generation came\n of age in the late 1980s and early 1990s, they did not tug the\n homicide statistics downward; they indulged in an unprecedented spree of\n mayhem.

They do cause damage and mayhem, however that is strictly localised unless the government overreacts and introduces draconian measures in a mistaken attempt to find terrorists under every rock.

Mayhem definitions


the willful and unlawful crippling or mutilation of another person


violent and needless disturbance

See also: havoc