Materialization in a sentence as a noun

That future growth is valued in the market cap today, but its actual materialization will only take place in the future, so doesn't show up on the payroll today.

We don't use NuGet as it only started to support dependency materialization recently.

Everything else, that can be seen in the disturbing pictures of the place seems to me as merely surface and materialization of the inner despair and suffering that one has to go through in a such situation.

"Edit: If this article was a Fringe episode, apps on the mobile would be portals into possible universes, each trying to convince users to choose one pocket universe for physical materialization.

The main simplification for tracing JITs comes from the fact that deoptimization and loop-exit can be elegantly treated within the uniform framework, which is a little bit harder for method JIT and you need to find right place to insert materialization instruction after the loop based on post-domination.

Materialization definitions


the process of coming into being; becoming reality; "the materialization of her dream"

See also: materialisation


an appearance in bodily form (as of a disembodied spirit)

See also: materialisation manifestation


something that comes into existence as a result; "industrialism prepared the way for acceptance of the French Revolution's various socialistic offspring"; "this skyscraper is the solid materialization of his efforts"

See also: offspring materialisation