Masthead in a sentence as a noun

Compare the logo in the blog post to the one in the masthead.

Might want to remove your site search with google and link to google maps on your masthead image, then.

* The text in the jumbotron/masthead is misleading.

I'm sure he'll be great for the company, but now their masthead practically reads "We hate gays!

This is like saying The Atlantic Monthly is just a bunch of writers wearing the same masthead.

The German computer magazine c't prints their PGP key fingerprints in the masthead.

As often as not, I have to type in the name or search on it because the blog masthead doesn't provide any background information or navigational **** to the new visitor.

I don't see anything standard about terms like "jumbotron masthead", "pure-g" or even "container".Most large project have their own markup standards and that's pretty normal, it certainly wasn't invented by bootstrap.

Because of AGs footprint within the tech startup space and in the business category, we needed a way to expand our publication, and in 2011, we changed our masthead to AGBeat, launching a brand around Agent/Genius.

Got rid of social networking ****, got rid of their top bar, their bottom bar, the sidebars, the header, the masthead, the next article prompter, and the site was becoming readable, and then I slipped up and whoosh out went their content and voila, and like many inventions, one error led me to realize a greater creation than I had originally thought possible.

Masthead definitions


a listing printed in all issues of a newspaper or magazine (usually on the editorial page) that gives the name of the publication and the names of the editorial staff, etc.

See also: flag


the title of a newspaper or magazine; usually printed on the front page and on the editorial page


the head or top of a mast