Married in a sentence as a noun

[0] He's a 49 year old man now and he's been married for 18 years.

Women tend to find that when they get married, society chips away at their career ambitions.

I think women wouldn't wait so long to get married if doing so didn't start a timer on their downshifting their career.

Painting in broad brush strokes, men tend to find that when they get married, society reinforces their career ambitions.

It's unfortunate that people who come here on student visas get married -- assuming they have enough money -- and have a green card in six months.

Married in a sentence as an adjective

For a while, as he also acknowledges, he was "married to his job," and didn't give his wife enough encouragement and support as she brought up their children.

As a 30-year old childless white man who left the games industry after a short 8 months in order to get married and spend time with my spouse, I can tell you that the assessment is fairly spot on. If you weren't putting in 12 hours daily, something was wrong with you and it was 'bad for team morale'.

[disclaimer: I'm married to the original tech/product co-founder who is no longer with the company]For the first time, I see a HN thread on a startup I know very well from the inside, how can I resist jumping in.?

One thing that stuck out in the paper was the interesting phenomenon of what he called "honeymoon psychosis", with one of a young newly married couple away from home for the first time, possibly on their first flight, all leading to some interesting disturbances on those long pan-Pacific flights.

Married definitions


a person who is married; "we invited several young marrieds"


joined in matrimony; "a married man"; "a married couple"


of or relating to the state of marriage; "marital status"; "marital fidelity"; "married bliss"

See also: marital matrimonial