Marque in a sentence as a noun

I wish I could buy a letter of marque and reprisal from the us government to interact with Los Zetas.

It wasn't until 96-97 when Saturn became just another Lego set GM marque, complete with haggling, that it all went down hill.

Makes perfect sense for selling outside north america, should help them with the court case over their marque in China as well.

Drake was given letters of marque by the english monarch to raid the spanish around south america.

Or even better issue a letter of marque and reprisal so private citizens can hunt you down and take your stuff.

Instead, they have to just remind people that their brand exists, and hope the subtext gets through, brand-marque recognition goes up, and counterfeit purchases go down.

Back then pirates operating under the authority of a nation-state were "privateers" and carried a letter of marque.

Congress is empowered to license mercenaries and assassins, for example, though its power to issue letters of marque and reprisal.

They'll have to decide whether they want to saddle the brand image with crappy electrical cars or if they'd prefer to sell their crappy electrical cars with a low-prestige marque.

Thus, for example, the constitution contemplates not only declarations of war, but the issuance of letters of marque and reprisal without limitation in scope.

We work hard on them, we pick everything that goes into them and arrange it very precisely, and then we put our marque on it to let you know that this thing, this combination of parts, is something we approve of.> There are a lot of products coming out of China and elsewhere that seem, on first glance, very similar to our stuff.

Marque definitions


a name given to a product or service

See also: brand