Marinate in a sentence as a verb

The CoreOS stack needs some more time to marinate.

I am going to try and slow down, let things marinate and see what happens.

I'd love to hear more about your experiences once your cluster has had time to marinate a bit.

Leave to marinate for at least 2 hours in the refrigerator, longer would be ideal.

I really enjoyed this article, thank you for writing it. I'm going to marinate on the things you talked about and see if I can try to influence some change where I work.

Dim sum ... I find it pretty tasty, but that's mainly due to the seasoning and marinate, not really the feet itself.

Sometimes this type of long form journalism is nice because it lets you marinate in a different world.

Don't try and do it all at once, rather let it marinate for some time in your head, constantly jotting down anything that comes to mind.

Sure, they can say that and be honest instead of trying to marinate us with these gymnastics; it's insulting too that they believe we can be manipulated like this.

Open-source languages that don't target a managed environment have historically needed a lot longer to marinate than Scala did.

I agree with the premise that 'citizen journalism' isn't the dagger to the heart of the news media that some make it out to be; that said, maybe PC should've let this particular article marinate for a while longer.

I would previously get overwhelmed, because when starting a new project I would see the entire system and how it all came together and would get stuck on all the details, but after learning how to wait and how to let things marinate for a while, I see this as a good thing.

Marinate definitions


soak in marinade; "marinade herring"

See also: marinade