Manufactory in a sentence as a noun

I assume you mean "plant" as in manufactory.

Böttger now was nominated to head the first European manufactory for porcelain.

Even if there was a single manufactory in Oklahoma it could serve the entire country at a fraction of the environmental cost.

Here's a gedankenexperiment for you: I instantaneously and permanently disable every car and car manufactory, thereby reducing all traffic fatalities to zero.

Obviously you have completely missed the point.> Here's a gedankenexperiment for you: I instantaneously and permanently disable every car and car manufactory, thereby reducing all traffic fatalities to zero.

I suspect we're moving into a phase of development in which the capacity to deliver small molecules will outstrip the capacity to identify/invent/determine useful ones, as a lot more must be known to produce the drug than to produce the manufactory and delivery mechanism.

If you know the city well at street level, I'm sure you've come across places where there's a bunch of shiny new apartments and hip restaurants, stores etc., except for that one wierd lot with a run down small manufactory/liquor store whatever, that either doesn't fit with the neighborhood any mroe or whose customers have gone away due to changes in traffic patterns.

Manufactory definitions


a plant consisting of one or more buildings with facilities for manufacturing

See also: factory mill