Mangosteen in a sentence as a noun

Some people like to pair durians with mangosteens[0].

But in Thailand a pile of mangosteens is so cheap that you wouldn't bother.

Yes, but Malaysia PM said there's only mangosteens in the cargo.

I've never had a unsweet mango or an unsweet lychee or an unsweet mangosteen.

In the US, imported mangosteens can run $20 a pound, so getting a few bad ones would be a disappointment.

I have seen fresh mangosteen at fruit and vegetable markets in London, near Shadwell station.

And then we'll have conspiracy theories about what happened to the mangosteens en-route.

It doesn't have the easy eatability of mangosteen or lychee.

They ran some tests and found that mangosteen juice can conduct electricity, but does not cause short circuit when in contact with the batteries

Salak, jackfruit, sapodillas, dragonfruit, rambutan, mangosteen, durian, custard apples, and whatever else you find.

Most tropical fruit available in the West are picked raw, kept refrigerated and chemically ripened on arrival, but this isn't possible for most of the fruit listed, certainly not mangosteens or langsat/duku.

Mangosteen definitions


East Indian tree with thick leathery leaves and edible fruit


two- to three-inch tropical fruit with juicy flesh suggestive of both peaches and pineapples