Magnification in a sentence as a noun

I think a flat magnification would solve this.

I'd be curious to know at what magnification this breaks down, if any.

It's a magnification of all the worst parts of reddit which are also extremely popular.

I wonder what taking a digital photo "at 20x magnification" actually means.

Otherwise I would just use a 1m tube lens and get 5x higher magnification numbers to report similar to what we see with the paper microscope.

The pocket microscopes you linked to provide 60x magnification.

As I understand it, if 1-2 of these nodes get compromised, then add in the 10-100x magnification via DNS, you're looking at 10-100gigabits of bandwidth off only two nodes?

But because of technological magnification of productivity it should tend to go to fewer people.

In microscopy the most important number is usually the resolution not the magnification, and 1µm is what you expect from a 20x objective.

* Accessibility features such as magnification following the caret or selection have to be reimplemented.

Magnification definitions


the act of expanding something in apparent size


the ratio of the size of an image to the size of the object


making to seem more important than it really is

See also: exaggeration overstatement


a photographic print that has been enlarged

See also: enlargement blowup