Magnetron in a sentence as a noun

A power level of 50% means the magnetron is on for roughly 50% of the indicated time.

Instead, the power levels control what percentage of time the magnetron is on.

So taking out the magnetron and putting a beamforming waveguide on it was a bad idea?

The dad, an engineer for IBM, disappeared and returned with a magnetron from his basement workshop.

Not that this would necessarily help prevent cataracts if you expose your eyes to a magnetron.

"Did you know that if you take apart microwave ovens, there is a really great ceramic magnet inside of the magnetron?

If you pay careful attention to a typical microwave, you can easily tell when the magnetron is on and when it's off.

Could a home microwave's magnetron be converted into an antenna?

I'm curious if a microwave's magnetron strapped to the pursuit drone could act as a poor man's Active Denial System and fry the other drone.

You could certainly do more code with a magnetron, but even that would be difficult given their unstable output frequency.

I have never heard of anyone using a magnetron modulated in some scheme to transfer information at any some useful rate.

"There is also beryllium oxide in the ceramic insulators of most magnetrons.

Its the plain old magnetic field generated by the inductive inrush from the giant coils that convert the power to feed to the magnetron tube in the microwave.

The other one is the lawnmower engine retrofitted with a magnetron in place of the spark plug, turning the engine into a type of steam engine running on water.

A familiar interlock would be the mechanism used to disable a microwave magnetron when the door is in the open position.

> The astronomers were flummoxed—that is, until one of the testers, during a third attempt, opened the door of a microwave oven before the magnetron was shut off by the timer.

Making it portable is more of an engineering challenge, but if you can purpose-build a magnetron rather than using one from a microwave oven, the problem becomes easier to solve.

The signal attenuation required to render a cell phone inoperative is not nearly enough to assure a person's safety when a magnetron is in operation.

If you stick an unopened can of food in the microwave, the microwaves can't reach the food; you get the same effect as if you ran the oven empty, which is that the field becomes very intense and risks burning out the magnetron or other components.

Magnetron definitions


a diode vacuum tube in which the flow of electrons from a central cathode to a cylindrical anode is controlled by crossed magnetic and electric fields; used mainly in microwave oscillators