Mace in a sentence as a noun

But one night, when going out on a walk with my dad, we got attacked by a bunch of kids with mace.

And somebody in a club I was in decided to mace the room one time... ugh...

Big imposing dudes with mace would probably be sufficient.

Additionally, instead of killing enemies outright, it reduces them to 1 HP. Nice synergy with mace.

If you have a lot full of unlocked cars, perhaps you should bear some of the blame too?Yeah, and women wearing sexy dresses walking alone without mace deserve to get raped?Auernheimer crossed a line.

If civilian police uses mace for small-scale arrests during riots, MP's could do the same thing for example during protests around embassies in non-war-but-dangerous circumstances.

Mace definitions


(trademark) a liquid that temporarily disables a person; prepared as an aerosol and sprayed in the face, it irritates the eyes and causes dizziness and immobilization

See also: Mace


an official who carries a mace of office

See also: macebearer macer


spice made from the dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed


a ceremonial staff carried as a symbol of office or authority