Lyrical in a sentence as an adjective

Always a pleasure to see John wax lyrical on graphics tech.

We're going to wax lyrical about TV advertising in the 1960s now?

I also think he's awful and I would say it's mostly because of his lyrical content.

Rapgenius is a lyrics site that allows people to give context to lyrical meanings inline.

I visited Bletchley for the first time less than a week ago and believe me, they waxed lyrical about the 3 polish mathmaticians.

It's just a newly minted consultant waxing lyrical about being a newly minted consultant.

I still don't understand these rapgenius non-lyrical annotations that get posted here.

I should really have replied to one of the top-level commented describing Gates as a saint, or waxing lyrical about his greatness; my objection was not to the article itself, and that wasn't clear.

I don't know man, I listened to a couple of the tracks and he definitely has lyrical skills, and I like some of the tracks, but the quotes you selected aren't very good at all, at best obvious topics with all the insight of a million college freshmen.

"... vetted for their impeccable ideological purity ..."Rather, vetted for their impeccable ability to wax lyrical about "ideological purity.

Lyrical definitions


suitable for or suggestive of singing


expressing deep emotion; "the dancer's lyrical performance"

See also: lyric