Lydian in a sentence as a noun

Plus you can use it in other keys, the A Pentatonic in the key of Bb is lydian, in G it's dorian, in C it's major, etc..

It's diatonic and within an octave, but the range is from V to V rather than I to I. So if they're assuming I to I, it wouldn't fit unless they supported mixolydian mode.

Answer: B melodic minor or E lydian/mixolydian, playing and showing the scale on treble clef.

Proper Noun Examples for Lydian

And then there's the non-diatonic, or borrowed chords - doesn't even take into account Lydian or Mixolydian mode.

The Modes should be in order,Ionian - IDorian - iiPhrygian - iiiLydian - IVMixolydian - VAeolian - viLocrian - viiOtherwise its a really useful tool, great job.

Lydian definitions


an Anatolian language

See also: Lydian