Lowly in a sentence as an adjective

Then many cultures viewed them as lowly and not worth eating.

Amazing how this was all done on a lowly iPad.

Chefs are somehow too lowly to have their contracts honoured?

I think the last thing we need are lowly paid workers, with no healthcare, pressured to come in when sick making our food.

Not to mention that "15 days paid holidays" would be illegal in EU. 20 is the legal minimum, even for lowly jobs like people who sweep floors.

Compare the great essayists to lowly part-time bloggers: the difference rarely boils down to just ideas.

This means that a lowly engineer with a great idea will leave Google to develop it instead of developing it at Google.

Reminds me of something similar I did about 20 years ago as a new and lowly employee in an HR department.

If a lowly undergrad is expected to get consent before administering any sort of dinky survey, why is Facebook exempt?

But it's an insult to their own egos for a lowly developer to ask to be paid as much as them or, quelle horreur, more!Fun story: first job out of college, I was working in exactly this environment.

Add in rules about vesting and strike price, and dilution in future rounds and debt financing, and the likelihood that lowly employees receive meaningful amounts at an acquisition diminish further.

Lowly definitions


low or inferior in station or quality; "a humble cottage"; "a lowly parish priest"; "a modest man of the people"; "small beginnings"

See also: humble modest small


inferior in rank or status; "the junior faculty"; "a lowly corporal"; "petty officialdom"; "a subordinate functionary"

See also: junior-grade lower-ranking secondary subaltern


used of unskilled work (especially domestic work)

See also: humble menial


of low birth or station (`base' is archaic in this sense); "baseborn wretches with dirty faces"; "of humble (or lowly) birth"

See also: base baseborn humble