Low-cut in a sentence as an adjective

Why do all the waitresses in Hooters wear low-cut tops?

Let's play the tape:> Why do all the waitresses in Hooters wear low-cut tops?Huh.

> Why do all the waitresses in Hooters wear low-cut tops?Seriously, stop right there.

I find that a lightweight cotton dress shirt is more comfortable than a tight, low-cut top anyway.

> Why do all the waitresses in Hooters wear low-cut tops?Because they work in an industry that is primarily based on looks.

That said, I wouldn't feel comfortable drawing attention with my clothes, so I would never wear something low-cut.

If exposed to low-cut tops, I find my eyes darting to them, particularly when I'm distracted or concentrating on some thought.

You're the one that chose to work in an environment where a coat and tie are de rigueur, and the comment about a low-cut dress had ****-all to do with whether she was dressed professionally or not. It was verbal leering, pure and simple.

In this day and age do we still believe in these traditional gender roles, that only a man can be effective in a leadership position?And then some victim blaming: "Mayer didn't [...] [goad] the "dirty old man" with some low-cut top or skimpy outfit [...] But, of course, you weren't even wondering that, were you?

Low-cut definitions


(of a garment) having a low-cut neckline; "a low-cut neckline"

See also: decollete low-necked


having a low-cut back; "a backless dress"