Louche in a sentence as an adjective

If it's meant as borrowed from the french "louche", then would rather define as:> discutable, weird, questionable, shady

PHP is great as a template language, but when it comes to manipulating data it's somewhat louche approach to data types is a liability.

For example a strange/weird object can be "chelou", it means bizarre or surprising now, it has lost the semantics of the original "louche", meaning suspicious.

Our ancestors could have had the most amazingly crafted houses with furniture made from willow but we would never know they just louched about on comfy willow couches as all that remains are a few things like Stonehenge, meaning that BBC TV programmes insist that everything was all about some mystery religion.

Louche definitions


of questionable taste or morality; "a louche nightclub"; "a louche painting"

See also: shady