Loiter in a sentence as a verb

Proceed through the first few rooms, then loiter.

They must not be permitted to loiter around in traffic hoping to be the car closest to the next fare.

The A-10 is also relatively cheap and can loiter over the battlefield for a long time

It doesn't have the range, capacity or loiter time of nearly any other option.

Many claim that the increased loiter time of UAVs allow for better timing and targeting, and there has been video evidence of this.

You can skip the low energy launch windows and just go for a short on-Mars trip, rather than needing to loiter for a year or two between windows.

The chances of hitting a jet are remote, the balloon would have to loiter at the right altitude for that chance to increase appreciably.

It's been invaluable as a permanent place for our geographically-distributed friend group to idly loiter and connect to whenever anyone has a free moment.

The lead, graphite and cement used to shield static nuclear facilities doesn't exactly work when trying to build an airplane, which made crew shielding dubious and reduced the loiter time of such a vehicle to the radiation tolerance of the crew.

Or does it mean ordinance violations for things like disordely conduct, that do not accumulate as serious offenses on an individual's arrest record?Does decriminalization mean that certain parts of town don't get policed as much on the weekends, and cops look the other way, when it comes to certain hotels and drinking establishments?Does regulated legalization mean solicitation goes unreproached even in broad daylight on a sunday morning on main street, so long as you carry your laminated photo ID card on your person, while you loiter near the gas station?Does legalization mean that johns experience zero repercussions for patronizing regulated whores, while decriminalization leaves johns open to petty offenses where they still cannot patronize under any circumstances, but if caught no jail time will result?

Loiter definitions


be about; "The high school students like to loiter in the Central Square"; "Who is this man that is hanging around the department?"