Livestock in a sentence as a noun

In the US, 80% of antibiotics produced in 2011 went to livestock[1].

We should just make it flat out illegal to use antibiotics across entire herds of livestock.

Agree that antibiotics need to be withheld from livestock unless they are actually sick.

If there was an emergency at three AM -- livestock escaped, water main broken, building on fire -- they got out of bed and dealt with it without delay.

A portly lady squeezed into a too-tight uniform, tucked inside a glass livestock enclosure; she motioned wordlessly to a chair.

If something needed doing -- planting a field, fixing a tractor, feeding livestock -- they got it done. They didn't quit working when the work was done, because the work was never done. They momentarily paused when they were too exhausted to continue.

Unfortunately the primary use-case of antibiotics is actually in livestock.

Livestock definitions


any animals kept for use or profit

See also: stock