Liturgy in a sentence as a noun

Just show up to liturgy early and practice with the choir!

In fact, I would say that you're merely repeating the common liturgy of the industry.

Poland adopted the Latin liturgy and the alphabet was part of the “package”.

I may strongly disagree with it, but I am well aware of the liturgy for Keynesianism.

" Rather, the "sham" is all the rigidity, trappings, and liturgy that have grown up around Agile since it reached its saturation point.

I see it as true because it's a repeatable experiment. I haven't argued that my ideas are bold or radical, merely fact - and nor have I argued that this differs from common liturgy.

They have churches and services and community activities but no liturgy beyond a vague spirituality.

"To this day, indult parishes that celebrate the 1962 Roman liturgy have saints days that get moved apparently arbitrarily in late February on leap years.

So how would you describe the ability to open a Hebrew bible/prayerbook and recite recite verses or liturgy that you have never seen before and don't have memorized?

For example, much of the iconography comes from that era, and the lay person was taught through imagery and liturgy, not necessarily to their detriment.

Latin is still in daily/weekly use in those Catholic churches around the world that celebrate the traditional form of the Roman liturgy, or use the Latin edition of its modern form.

If there's a secular civic religion, with ceremony and liturgy, it isn't powerful enough to crowd out other faiths; there is a national patriotic spirit, but it isn't articulated through quasi-mystical symbols and rituals.

With the twist that the state has the right to buy the asset at that validationThis was used in ancient Athens [1]: "By the procedure known as antidosis a person who was appointed to perform a liturgy could challenge another he considered better able to afford the expense....the challenged person either had to take over the liturgy or to accept an exchange of property with the instigator of the procedure.

But where none of this is believed, why keep the insane man alive until he recovers, and then **** him?The example is, perhaps, of minor importance in itself; but what it illustrates is that the legal systems of all Western countries, and of all nonWestern countries that have come under the influence of Western law, are a secular residue of religious attitudes and assumptions which historically found expression first in the liturgy and rituals and doctrine of the church and thereafter in the institutions and concepts and values of the law.

Since these ***** tend to open people's eyes and hearts to an experience of the holiness of the universe... yes, enable people to have personal religious experiences without the intercession of a priesthood of the preconditioning of a liturgy, some psychonauts or epoptes will perceive the emptiness and shallowness of the Judeo-Christian religious tradition; even begin to see through the secular governments which use religious symbols to manipulate people; begin to see that by so ruthlessly subduing the earth we are killing the planet and destroying ourselves.

Liturgy definitions


a Christian sacrament commemorating the Last Supper by consecrating bread and wine

See also: Eucharist Liturgy


a rite or body of rites prescribed for public worship