Lithosphere in a sentence as a noun

If you speed up the lower mantle, then the lithosphere needs to slow down to conserve angular momentum, lengthening the day.

""In this way an estimated 3000 metric tons of helium are generated per year throughout the lithosphere.

I dont know if it would take ten thousand years or ten billion years for all the free oxygen in atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere to be depleted.

Let's just smash the lithosphere like a dinner plate on the slate floor and collect all the goodies that pour out!It's not like we actually need that land to grow food on or anything.

Bear in mind that we've only really explored a handful of Earth's ecosystems --- it's known that the microbial biosphere extends way into the lithosphere, for example.

There's a solid core, a liquid sheath around that, a plastic sheath around that, and then the lithosphere we are intimately familiar with, followed by a few levels of gaseous atmosphere.

I find it interesting that the interpretation is that this is a tragedy, rather than it being fortunate that a geological process is capturing plastic into the lithosphere, where it will be removed from the biosphere.

Lithosphere definitions


the solid part of the earth consisting of the crust and outer mantle

See also: geosphere