Literati in a sentence as a noun

If it's at all like Fox in the US, I can see why net-literati won't touch it.

I think the Internet gets this more than the literati do.

There's a weird double standard where the tech literati are fine with things on mobile that they would never accept on their desktop.

But the question is, are they more similar to Milton’s style than to any other random literati of the time?

It's a kind of elitism that the literati hold over everyone who doesn't find reading as enjoyable as them.

This is what happens when pretentious literati feverishly search for something novel to expound on.

Unlike the literati Lu and his “forbidden book”, however, Iwatani had legitimately purchased his book at a bookstore.

"something incredible will emerge for the right-brained bourgeoisie and literati.

It's the conservative literati that still doesn't understand that literature changes with every decade, that what's true today might not be in 2010, and that that's not necessarily a bad thing.

For those of you concerned with your score, you are deovting an undue amount of your time in discussing the results of what islet's be honest with ourselvesthe literati version of a "Are U A Vampire Or A Werewolf?

An illuminating Bibliography — the passage:> "Only a minority of the small minority who were literate were so literate to the level of being literati.

Someday, somewhere, something incredible will emerge for the right-brained bourgeoisie and literati.

But punching down is mean and contemptible... So it all comes down to whether you, in the audience, see Sedaris as a survivor/escapee of suburbia, or as some New York literati come to talk about how much your mall sucks.

Literati definitions


the literary intelligentsia