Liquify in a sentence as a verb

They basically liquify in there and grow entirely new bodies from a new set of stem cells.

I spent a ridiculous amount of time in Photoshop using warp when what I really wanted was liquify.

So even if we built a machine to liquify and store the entire atmosphere in a giant gas bottle, we'd still get greenhouse effects?

* The lithospheric magma is not hot enough to vaporize or even liquify solid capsules of nuclear waste.

Imagine if, in the next second, you were suddenly whisked away to the grocery store the acceleration forces would liquify you!

I did a few semesters at a design school on the waterfront that was built on top of a landfill which is predicted to liquify during a large earthquake and swallow the first 1-2 floors of the structures there.

Capital exists for three basic reasons, to liquify value, enable the transport of goods and services across space and time, and to communicate supply and demand of scarce resources.

But the ability to compress or liquify helium is indeed a valuable new technique that will reduce operating costs enormously for future airships.

I think that there could possibly be a vast conspiracy and that my best chances for survival might be to liquify all of my assets and invest everything I have in personal caches of peppermint candy.

Developing OP's points to their natural conclusions and ignoring the awful math analogy: the point would be to liquify / unfreeze as much of the available wealth as possible, to have it flow to things that could make the world a better place or solve the "big problems", right?

Liquify definitions


make (a solid substance) liquid, as by heating; "liquefy the silver"

See also: liquefy liquidize liquidise


become liquid or fluid when heated; "the frozen fat liquefied"

See also: liquefy flux