Liberalist in a sentence as a noun

There are lots of people who support "liberalist" policies but don't accept opposing views.

The focus of those protests is the neo liberalist and capitalist direction the country took.

Computer scientists should also know how wrong the market liberalist model is-- optimization does not come for free!

The Democratic party of 1919 did not have the same modern liberalist principles of the Democratic party of today.

There are very few things that require true anonymity, and in a liberalist society political speech is not and should not be one of them, despite trends of late.

A neo-liberalist wouldn't necesseraly make the two a difference.

Is it that surprising that Hilary Clinton's campaign was weak, when the message that most resonated with a lot of its supporters was that it was a vote "against Trump"?Has it been a newsfeed, or neo-liberalist policies that have failed the people and put us in this situation?

Liberalist definitions


a person who favors a political philosophy of progress and reform and the protection of civil liberties

See also: liberal progressive