Lengthy in a sentence as an adjective

", which is lengthy, worth a read, and which you'll have to click to expand.

The article begins with "Its a lengthy read, but dont let the wall of text dissuade you." That's scary right there.

This is the third or fourth petition with a massive, lengthy non-answer I've seen pop up on the site.

Prescriptive rights have a lengthy history -- and by lengthy, I mean going back to English common law in the 1100s.

This article wasn't about him getting fired in Oregon, it was a lengthy rant about him quitting in North Carolina.

They require lengthy contract negotiations that will rack up thousands in lawyer's fees from your side before you bring in any revenue.

There dropped jaws and a hurried conference with a supervisor who called Sacramento and had a lengthy conversation with comments like, "Yes I'm sure.

The gameplay challenges this article points out are notable because they require sequences of inputs that are both specific and lengthy.

Plato's Laws and Aristotle's Poetics mark some of the earliest attempts made by man to reason about the world simply through observation and lengthy reasoning.

Once it became clear that this was going to be a lengthy outage, the Ops team instituted an emergency incident commander rotation of 8 hours per shift, keeping a fresh mind in charge of the situation at all time.

"Id write lengthy fluffy articles that, even though they didn't say anything interesting, they used the word SEO a lot and made SEO people feel special somehow so that it got linked from other sites that SEO people visit.

But they also work in a very infective way: long useless meetings, everything requires lengthy social interactions, bizantine bureaucracy, too many managers for too few real workers and so on.

The reason you chose instead to focus your lengthy comment on that one throwaway line is because it reinforces your preexisting view that unions are the main problem with education, even though this article is mainly about some of the other problems.

Lengthy definitions


relatively long in duration; tediously protracted; "a drawn-out argument"; "an extended discussion"; "a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law"; "a prolonged and bitter struggle"; "protracted negotiations"

See also: drawn-out extended prolonged protracted