Legislate in a sentence as a verb

You can't legislate it into existence, and you can't legislate it away.

This is why gun owners get nervous when people who don't understand firearms try to legislate their ownership.

If you don't like Sony, boycott, legislate, lobby, convince with words and fair deeds, not mob criminality.

Since we can't legislate / regulate right behavior, we have to motivate it through incentive alignment.

Various countries have decided it is beneficial to legislate people driving strangers in exchange for money.

Now, obviously, this is a value that individual families must hold, and something that Government can't just legislate.

We have a government that generally believes we can legislate our problems away and that most people are incapable of taking care of themselves.

In a democracy, you can't just sit around waiting for everyone else to realize how wonderful and special you are and legislate to further your interests.

You can complain about it, you can legislate about it, you can gnash your teeth and prostrate yourself and offer blood sacrifices to your preferred god, but nothing will change this basic fact.

Then continued to legislate such thinking via Jim Crow well into the 20th century?Now that I look, I notice your post history is littered with anti-German racism rooted in complete historical ignorance.

"That's possibly the single biggest unstated divide in modern western society, where a significant proportion of the population do think they can legislate complete stability for themselves into existence, and that's one of the first times I've ever seen it so bluntly shot down.

Legislate definitions


make laws, bills, etc. or bring into effect by legislation; "They passed the amendment"; "We cannot legislate how people spend their free time"

See also: pass