Lede in a sentence as a noun

To un-bury the lede, his answer is "clarity.

Talk about burying the lede...And what does he mean by "After the initial set up of the laptop"?

The author chose to tack on a cookie-cutter lede about Apple and to make the title about Apple.

Yet the author chose to tack on a cookie-cutter lede about Apple and to make the title about Apple.

I think Daniel buried the lede on this one: theres an apartment available in San Francisco!

", as if that made up for a lede and a series of breathless grafs reporting the contents of an anonymous mail as fact.

Good job on Dr. Web on finding this and trying to do the right thing but these quotes give a different context than you'd get from the article title and lede:"Sharov believes that Apples attempt to shut down its monitoring server was an honest mistake.

Lede definitions


the introductory section of a story; "it was an amusing lead-in to a very serious matter"

See also: lead lead-in