Latest in a sentence as a noun

It would be advisable to upgrade her firmware to the latest version.

Constantly update to the latest development version, making them panic quite a bit.

But if you spend all of your time worrying that you're not using the latest and great tools, you won't get much done, and you won't be satisfied with what you do get done.

Latest in a sentence as an adjective

The strange part was two years later I got a call from the contractor, they were in a panic because the driver didn't work with the latest version of SCO and they had to "urgently deploy a lot of these things" into a undisclosed "middle eastern territory".

While it's encouraging to see such a thorough debunking of the latest security theater technology, it's always been security theater... Allow me a few quick anecdotes:My family is friends with a gentleman who was a green beret medic during Viet Nam, and later worked for the CIA.

Latest definitions


the most recent news or development; "have you heard the latest?"


up to the immediate present; most recent or most up-to-date; "the news is up-to-the-minute"; "the very latest scientific discoveries"

See also: up-to-the-minute


in the current fashion or style

See also: modish