Ladle in a sentence as a noun

Why are ladles are shaped like cups with handles?

And now I'm reading ladle reviews on hacker news.

And, truthfully, ladles are not a hard thing to get right.

There's still stuff there, but a ladle becomes useless at getting the shallow stuff.

But I'd feel silly asking about pros and cons of ladles at the store.

And, to some extent, I'm not spending copious amounts of time for a $4 ladle.

I just read all of the above and then realized i am not sure what a ladle exactly is.

I'm spending it on the $4 ladle that performs like the $40 ladle at Williams Sonoma.

We had to scoop out the molten aluminum from the holding furnace with a big ladle.

Ladle in a sentence as a verb

Did you also look up ladle reviews out of curiosity?

It's amazing the variety of tasty food that can be cooked with just a wok and a long-handled ladle.

The end result there was preparation of food, and the use of the ladle was not the simplest thing to have the robot do. That seemed out of place, and pointed at the ladle being the wrong tool for the job.

Why couldn't a ladle have a design to help sweep the bottom of round bowls?Second, ladles are awkward to put anywhere after using.

The illuminating thing about the internet for me is not that people comparison shop for simple objects like ladles.

These will be stamped with a Heat Number which links it back to the conditions under which it was made; the chemical ladle analysis and properties to meet a particular specification.

I walk into the supermarket and consciously attempt not to eat the first **** I come across, and it costs me vastly more than if I just went and bought a 10KB tub of mayo and ate it with a soup ladle.

All the theater about pretending that Oracle have any effect on these decisions is ludicrous, no matter how huge a majority you pretend to speak for, nor no matter how much ad hominem you ladle onto your replies.

A really well made utilitarian thing -- a ladle, a drill, a car -- gives me the joy of discovering its excellence and the design behind it. If I have a really good ladle, that works noticeably better than any other ladle I have ever had, then each time I pour soup, I get to contemplate the many flashes of brilliance and care that went into designing and making this ladle.

Ladle definitions


a spoon-shaped vessel with a long handle; frequently used to transfer liquids from one container to another


put (a liquid) into a container by means of a ladle; "ladle soup into the bowl"


remove with or as if with a ladle; "ladle the water out of the bowl"

See also: lade laden