Laceration in a sentence as a noun

A young man came in with a laceration and required inpatient treatment.

Eventually they recoded from a laceration to a cut or something like that.

" One option on the table for "laceration on your back" should be "have an uglier scar and give a big check to your son as a wedding present".

>> A lot of people ask why I have a surgical laceration kit in my go-bag given that I am not qualified to actually use it.

I was struck across the sacrum, crushing nerves and fracturing both the sacrum and tailbones, as well as a deal of laceration for good measure.

Injuries included minor laceration to the left quadriceps and some blistering of the feet.

One bear suffered laceration to the liver, attributed to being over-sedated.

We have a homestead in NE WA we are developing, a few weeks ago, for the first time ever, I called 911 because of a potentially dangerous laceration.

Or a laceration or burn for which you've already successfully applied first aid?Might you not prefer to stay out of an ambulance in those situations, even if it's free?

After all, people who die from gunshot wounds have comorbidities like blood loss, cardiac arrest, brain damage, laceration of internal organs, and sepsis.

She also called a bus to come treat the laceration on my forehead, and gave me her card and said if I had any problems, call her first, and we needn't make a big deal out of this, right?

Widespread under-employment brings every bruise, boil, laceration, and trauma to the forefront.

Top three learnings, post earthquake living is just like camping so keeping current on camping skills and gear means you are ready to camp out on you lawn; medically trained people are easier to find than supplies put a laceration kit in your go bag, if you need it finding a nurse or doctor is easier than finding supplies; water filtration is easier than water storage, keep infrastructure that can hold water but it doesn't have to be full.

Laceration definitions


a torn ragged wound


the act of lacerating