Labial in a sentence as a noun

Especially at spots when there's a labial sound in the speech.

Modern GI Joe figures have full naso-labial folds and neck musculature.

Like the palate, for palatal consonants, or lips for labial, in some more familiar examples.

Labial in a sentence as an adjective

But to make something labial for missing a potential attack vector seems counterproductive.

It might be that women who are prone to ovarian cancer due to hormone levels also have a vaginal/labial situation that makes them more likely to apply powder to keep the area dry.

Consonants themselves are ordered as velar first, followed by palatals, retroflexes, dental and finally labial consonants -- notice the articulation point is moving from the back to the front of the mouth.

Labial definitions


a consonant whose articulation involves movement of the lips


of or relating to the lips of the mouth; "labial stops"


relating to or near the female labium