Krypton in a sentence as a noun

I’m sure that’s what happened; eg I’m sure it was an acqui-hire and Akamai didn’t give a hoot about the krypton software

They also eliminate noble gases from the list, of which krypton, xenon, and radon turn out to be rarer in the crust than iridium.

>Tests were conducted using Ushio’s Care222 krypton-chloride excimer lampThis sounds like it is a limiting factor to use.

Since the advent of nuclear power generation, huge amounts of radioactive xenon 135, krypton 85 and other inert gases that nuclear plants generate have been released into the atmosphere.

I had not heard of krypton; read over the website based on your suggestion and got excited, but my excitement turned to disappointment when I saw that neither the iOS nor android apps have been updated in nearly 2 years.

Proper Noun Examples for Krypton

Like with superman and kryptonite, they're both from Krypton, right!

Krypton definitions


a colorless element that is one of the six inert gasses; occurs in trace amounts in air