Krill in a sentence as a noun

Sharks eat fish that eat krill that eat etc...

Wild salmon eat krill, which eat algae, that are ultimately the source.

Altough most krills are nektons, some species, such as amphionides, are plankton.

As a side note, krill is pretty nutritious - just not widely available to all mammals.

We could go the angry route and say it's going to the wall street bankers that caused the collapse, which in turn then looks like a whale eating krill.

Blue whale is the largest mammal on the planet, but that doesn't mean eating nothing but krill is a good idea for every mammal.

That is also not what the article is saying, which is that whales eat krill which eat phytoplankton which "eat" CO2—more whales = more phytoplankton.

You can also add default values—for example, I usually take 300 milligrams of krill oil at a time, so that's set as the default dose.

Whales fill their mouth wide open with water and spit it out through their baleens, a set of comb-like teeths that filter out everything smaller than a krill.

One former employee likened them to a humpback whale, feeding on 'krill headcount' from acquired companies while squeezing the excess out through their baleen filters.

But I'd be very very hesitant to develop software where I'm reliant on a mega Corp with monopoly power AND that Corp view me the way whales view krill.

Whales play a crucial part in natural iron fertilization of oceans, because they go deep underwater to eat a large amount of krill, which are iron-rich, and deject near the surface, because they need to breathe.

Krill definitions


shrimp-like planktonic crustaceans; major source of food for e.g. baleen whales