Kolkhoz in a sentence as a noun

In practice, most kolkhozy did not pay their "members" in cash at all.

Like a Soviet kolkhoz or any army camp.

[5] In addition the kolkhoz was required to sell its grain crop and other products to the State at fixed prices.

Why, groups of like minded people could collectivize their efforts and manage their kolkhoz according to the principles of self-management, democracy, and openness, with active participation of the members in decisions concerning all aspects of internal life.

To Mars maybe?What you're describing is essentially "collective enterprise" or "kolkhoz", where nominally you own a share in a venture, but in practice you don't own ****, and as a result you don't consider it "your own", and as a direct consequence of not actually owning property, you just can't bring yourself to care.

Kolkhoz definitions


a collective farm owned by the communist state