Kibosh in a sentence as a verb

The ruling seems to have put the kibosh on legal redress.

They must put the kibosh on such behavior fast and early.

If the leading VCs tell him to put the kibosh on inconvenient truths, he has no other choice.

We may get a lot of stupid failed attempts out of this, but at least it will put the kibosh on "me-too" designs.

It was the bean counters that put the kibosh on the all-you-can work pizza parties?Fire the bean counters.

I really don't like the name, and I hope whoever controls the jQuery trademark puts the kibosh on this name.

If bitcoin plays out like the enthusiasts envision, then some laws get passed and people get thrown in jail and there's your kibosh.

Why haven't they called?If planets are abundant, that puts the kibosh on the "rare Earth" theory, as shaky as that was to begin with.

I hope that in order for an overseer to put the kibosh on a comment he or she will have to enter an explanation.

When they realize that it's not going to go away, I'm almost certain that the government will step in somehow and try to put the kibosh on bitcoin.

There is no active censoring; you can only "put the kibosh" on a comment by having several thousand people all independently decide not to click its "endorse" link.

Subpoena a list of IP addresses from hosting companies, then subpoena the ISPs responsible for those addresses, then have the local police put the kibosh on the lunatics.

That sure put the kibosh on the iPhone launch, eh?This is the problem with most technical types - we think the decision matrix is 80% function 20% experience, but in reality it's the opposite.

If nothing else this might help put the kibosh on the intensely annoying way Facebook users tend to use cutesy fake names so that you don't know who the **** they are when they comment on your posts.

Unless governments step in and find some way to put the kibosh on decentralized currencies in general, it seems unlikely that demand is going to shrink as awareness continues to increase.

Endless money and inscrutable power will be forever intertwined, from the Medici's silent rule of Italy to now, where a few million dollars donated to the policeman's union by JP Morgan can buy the emptying of Zuccotti park and put the kibosh on the months-long Occupy movement.

Kibosh definitions


stop from happening or developing; "Block his election"; "Halt the process"

See also: stop halt block