Keynote in a sentence as a noun

Anyone else seeing the TV Truck schedule instead of the keynote right now?

This is exactly the kind of storytelling that was missing from Tuesday's keynote.

I have this image of Steve watching the keynote on TV from his hospital bed, and then turning to his doctor and saying, OK, Im done here.

So far, I haven't seen anything spectacular in this keynote except for the retina display.

Hilarious because you couldn't approach them and ask a question during keynotes.

Keynote in a sentence as a verb

This year they had Stallman give the keynote instead, and the auditorium was so crowded that I couldn't get in far enough to see him, so I hung out in the library's caf instead.

In fact, Silverlight developers should be happy - with some simple namespace changes, they demonstrated converting a silverlight program to a Metro UI on stage in the keynote.

Last year they had Jon "maddog" Hall give the keynote, and he talked about this thin-client internet-access project that he's been putting together with a bunch of folks in Brazil, which really sounds pretty awesome.

A personal anecdote to demonstrate Joe's awesomeness: After hearing him give the keynote speech for Princeton's entrepreneurship conference, I was able to wiggle through the crowd of people surrounding him and blurt "Hey Joe!

Keynote definitions


the principal theme in a speech or literary work


a fundamental or central idea


(music) the first note of a diatonic scale

See also: tonic


set the keynote of; "Comfort keynotes this designer's Fall collection"


give the keynote address to (an audience)