Kerfuffle in a sentence as a noun

Given all the kerfuffle about init systems, I'd love him to write a good small init process.

Is this the same US Gov who had a bit of kerfuffle in the news recently about some privacy issue?

This seems obvious, but from reading the comments in this thread it seems like this whole kerfuffle is about the buses themselves.

This baby is being born, Gruber or not, and nobody will remember in n years about the current kerfuffle.

If you cancel your Dropbox membership now, you will affect their measurements as though you're doing it in response to this kerfuffle.

For those who didn't see the recent kerfuffle: This guy recently found and demonstrated a major Rails exploit on github.

This is a great quote, and very timely with the recent metafilter kerfuffle:"If you don't run your own ad network, advertising is a scary business.

Think of the recent kerfuffle over Final Cut; they had no intention of continuing to sell the older version even though the new one was feature incomplete.

Remember all the kerfuffle a year or two ago about the lack of entrepreneurs from ethnic minority groups namely black groups who weren't being funded.

The current American kerfuffle involving investigating reporters is tied to a WWI-era law that's almost never used.

Kerfuffle definitions


a disorderly outburst or tumult; "they were amazed by the furious disturbance they had caused"

See also: disturbance disruption commotion flutter to-do hoo-ha hoo-hah