Kempt in a sentence as an adjective

Pictures of the Google team from the 2000s are a bunch of poorly kempt nerds.

Online photo are pretty tedious viewing experience compared to physical albums, I know a lot of people who practice inbox zero but virtually no one who keeps their online photos kempt.

My friend introduced a well kempt, multilingual man with an education, an admirable history and sincerity who had simply fallen off the society's radar.

People will find ways to diminish others, but a recent manufactured home on a well-kempt lot just looks like a normal house, even if it has a simple roofline and is conspicuously devoid of brick above the floorline.

Harry was unsuccessful in his oral defenestration of the grape seeds, which were now sliding ungracefully down the inside of the half open passenger window of Sally's otherwise immaculately kempt vehicle, leaving a trail of the kind that remains visible until chemicals are used in the cleaning.

Kempt definitions


(of hair) neat and tidy; "a nicely kempt beard"

See also: tidy