Kabbalah in a sentence as a noun

I find kabbalah very interesting, because this assertion has been made for a long time without us having something tangible to compare it to.

Indeed, I've told you twice - first in Old Testament kabbalah and fire-and-brimstone metaphor, and then again in bald statements of historical and political fact.

So stoicism is the new self-help fad, as kabbalah was a few years ago?This article seem to try to position stoicism as somewhat anti-woke, so appealing to the Jordan Petersen-segment.

What if kabbalah, or something similar, is actually how consciousness emerges across different types of observers?

Kabbalah definitions


an esoteric or occult matter resembling the Kabbalah that is traditionally secret

See also: cabala cabbala cabbalah kabala kabbala qabala qabalah


an esoteric theosophy of rabbinical origin based on the Hebrew scriptures and developed between the 7th and 18th centuries

See also: Kabbalah Kabbala Kabala Cabbalah Cabbala Cabala Qabbalah Qabbala