Juxtapose in a sentence as a verb

My point was to juxtapose the release cycle of hard drives back then to SSDs now.

For the author to juxtapose these two concepts in his mind as one being an example of the other is just.......sad.

Though I think it's incorrect to juxtapose "innovation" so starkly with a love of order.

It's interesting to juxtapose all the bitcoin articles with this kind of story..

As I was reading this, I couldn't help but juxtapose this article on top of the first world problems meme on everything this guy was saying.

If you juxtapose the game next to the tools teaching you how to make it, kids will be exponentially more likely to invest time and interest in those tools.

After recently reading "Tonight we dine in ****," it is interesting to juxtapose this article with that one with regard to "controlling the narrative.

They're so big and pervasive - it's a juxtapose of government and multinational corporation with vastly different set of goals and values.

To compare two entertainment subreddits, check out r/adviceanimals, and juxtapose r/askhistorians.

> What is with the backlash against remote workers all the sudden?I don't know, but it doesn't juxtapose very will with the many SV companies insisting high-quality education can be delivered remotely while the trend seems to be demanding all the workers in one building...

Its fascinating to juxtapose Americas reverence for Steve Jobs accomplishments and its draconian drug policyThe author confuses American government policy with American citizens.

While it's hard to juxtapose what constituted an 'equivalent' level evidence during what are otherwise radically different historical time periods, this claim strikes me as stretching the analogy quite far.> But fear of black cats, same as the healthy-food religion, is superstition precisely because it is a belief people accept based on lower standards of evidence than they would in other aspects of their livesMultiple academic findings corroborating each other is typically seen as enough evidence upon which to base action.

Juxtapose definitions


place side by side; "The fauvists juxtaposed strong colors"