Jumping in a sentence as a noun

We are the jumping jacks, they pull the strings and we dance.

You dont save any time jumping to Rails 3+.This just isn't true.

If you want to hire me, you should be the one jumping through hoops to convince me I should quit my job and work for you.

Certain "journalists" are seriously jumping the gun if they assume GCC is just going to shrivel up and die.

Kids that did nothing all semester were suddenly cruising through levels and jumping up and down with excitement.

I think the other women that are jumping to her defense are doing themselves, and women in technology a disservice.

It became popular as a direct result of blinking, jumping, moving, popping-under advertising elements.

After installing Postfix and jumping through all the hoops to get my emails whitelisted by Gmail and making sure I didn't have an open relay on my mail server, you know what happened?

[disclaimer: I'm married to the original tech/product co-founder who is no longer with the company]For the first time, I see a HN thread on a startup I know very well from the inside, how can I resist jumping in.?

You have books, the ability to travel, the internet, base jumping, mountaineering, arctic exploration, even space travel is expected to be affordable within most of our lifespans.

The joke of it is, big companies protect themselves so well against the risk of buying something expensive that they actually drive up the cost of the expensive stuff, from $1000 to $75000, which mostly goes towards the cost of jumping all the hurdles that they set up to insure that no purchase can possibly go wrong.

Jumping definitions


the act of participating in an athletic competition in which you must jump


the act of jumping; propelling yourself off the ground; "he advanced in a series of jumps"; "the jumping was unexpected"

See also: jump