Judiciousness in a sentence as a noun

The only "judiciousness" in this comes in making the decision to start, and to stop after the threat is over, and of course the latter is not always clear.

In the absence of a tech savvy judiciousness they fall back on fluff like "devops culture fit" and "growing the team" to be like "silicon valley culture".

Even then there has to be some degree of judiciousness between what a company might consider confidential and what is just industry knowledge.

Consequently, there is need for judiciousness and restraint if you wish for these programs, and our generosity, to remain sustainable.

The only argument you can create is about performance and the judiciousness of putting stats functions in the base library, as opposed to Common Lisp which ships with even less.

In my view, it's a pragmatic description of reality, encouraging judiciousness.

Homelessness functions as both an implicit threat against the “middle class,” should they step out of line, and likewise as evidence of their moral superiority and judiciousness relative to their “lessers.”

While big media is imperfect and has its large problems, they provide a nuanced filter with regard to things like self-harm, *******, genital mutilation, etc. I’d prefer not having very personal very dark themes go through a lowest common denominator since many people lack judiciousness and good judgement when it comes to these issues.

Judiciousness definitions


good judgment


the trait of forming opinions by distinguishing and evaluating

See also: sagacity sagaciousness