Joyride in a sentence as a noun

If thieves take your car for a joyride, do you email Ford to complain?

Flappy bird is pretty much the Profit Bird in jetpack joyride but much more derpy, kind of like balloon fighter or joust.

Joyride in a sentence as a verb

Then there's taxes, tools, breakage, late payers, non-payers and so on, it's not exactly a joyride compared to being a desk-jockey.

I have a 2005 Lotus Elise that I would love to part with, but I'm really, really nervous about an inexperienced driver blowing the clutch or just coming over for a joyride.

Joyride definitions


a ride in a car taken solely for pleasure; "they took their girlfriends for joyrides in stolen cars"


ride in a car with no particular goal and just for the pleasure of it; "We tooled down the street"

See also: tool