Jostling in a sentence as a noun

No amount of jostling will turn on a closed Macbook Pro retina.

It should also probably move slower to keep it from jostling the fish around.

With no default leader, girls were constantly jostling each other to get a leg up on the competition.

This is because people are merging very slowly while jostling resulting in needless braking.

"Apple isn't "jostling" with anyone in the "tablet market"; they outsell the rest if the industry combined by, what, 20-to-1?

That is generally sufficient to keep stuff from falling out, but it's not quite airtight, and prone to opening with jostling.

A pox on the whole damned lot of it!Some days I just despair of all the time I've wasted bustling and jostling, crushed by the sweaty masses in the ghetto.

If mechanical motion is minimal, how do you protect against banging/tapping/jostling the lock while pressing the "open" button?

"This may or may not be a spat, but it looks suspiciously like when two tribes who were happily expanding across virgin tundra suddenly find they are jostling each other for space.

The 150-fold figure might apply if they actually took divergent paths back to Earth by a degree or two, but that doesn't seem to be the case--they took very nearly parallel tracks, with a few meteres of random jostling one way or the other.

Jostling definitions


the act of jostling (forcing your way by pushing)

See also: jostle