Jangle in a sentence as a noun

I've still got users of 20+ year old software stacks that I'd love to replace with some newfangled jangle. Have you?

I suppose they do jangle. Bloody jangling keys.

Just being shot at sounds fairly harmful to me, probably jangle the nerves a bit.

The Terminator will jangle and jiggle, instead of being built like a precise Swiss watch. But you'll get ten of them for the same price!

Plus real spring reverb, i can't kick a DSP to make it jangle. If you're talking acoustic sure solid state wins every day of the week.

Coca Cola makes me feel ill, it upsets my digestive system and makes my nerves feel a bit jangle. I don't think I'm alone.

They jangle like bad typography". As Pike acknowledges this is just a matter of taste.

I heard the bracelet jangle on the phone, and guessed correctly that it might be a magnet. This was my second encounter with this problem.

I'm impressed that this sounds like music rather than atmospheric new age jangles--and there's some of that too, if that's your thing.

For someone that spits reports or jangle number all days, G-suite is a poorly thought-out joke. A simple exemple: it's impossible to make custom styles in Docs.

Mainly curious on that point because i'd consider going that way against a church down the road if they'd jangle their bells more than once or twice a week.

Jangle in a sentence as a verb

In MS Paint, it's like 30 seconds of work: Crtl+A, Crtl+C from one image, make sure that it's a transparent copy, Crtl+V in the other image, wangle-jangle the box to be correctly positioned, save it, done. In gimp?

It is also the closest to copyright, but without requiring the legal jangle of "well, you used the variable i, but I used j, so therefore my code is different! !

"But his Silicon Valley ways — evident from a showy party in early 2012 that he threw to celebrate himself and his plans, replete with a light show, fake snow and flowing liquor — jangled from the start." SV is all about show and lights?

I remember buying Doom years ago and when I got the box it jangled round from all the discs inside of it. I also remember when the first 24x speed CD drives came out, this is when hard drives were too expensive to load a full game on to so CD speed was important so your game didn't buffer as much.

It is now a question of system trade-offs, as designers jangle memory sizes, cache sizes, cores, cooling, vector extensions, etc This is a really pivotal event. And dont forget AMD challenging Intel on like-for-like cores.

I have no obligation to auto-play some hideous advertising jangle on it because I wrongly trusted some link and opened it under the current tab on Firefox. This is no more theft than is using a subway fold to skip the ads in the NYT print edition.

This is followed by a complicated screenshot with arrows pointing in various directions, then a manifesto in typefaces that jangle like a political donation chain letter. Then a quote from Albert Einstein.

I found that by resting a bunch of metal measuring spoons against its power lever, which pops up when it's done, I hear a metal "jangle" and am reminded. I guess there are larger schemes of organizing one's day, but sometimes little hacks like these provide more immediate results and satisfaction.

IRL it's probably not detachable and it's going to jangle around and annoy while gradually self-desructing in a way that leaves it useless yet permanently attached/annoying.

You start with the premise that the "Dj" in Django sounds like the "J" in James or Jason or jangle or nearly every other English word with this pronunciation. Now, based on linguistic history and French pronunciation norms, you claim it is more appropriate to conclude that all of these other words have implied "D's" than to conclude that Django has a silent "D".

This is in large part why most early bioinformatics companies failed - due to lack of deliver on this front along with jangled software approaches that were being moved into the commercial world from academia. The reality is that most bionformatics software relies on old formal methods and is not geared toward true highly innovative discovery and data interpretation.

Quote Examples using Jangle

However, consider the phrases "jangled software approaches" and "old formal methods". Those appear to be used in a negative context. As I think people in the past are equally clever and insightful as people now, with the same sorts of optimism about "human health, science and lifespan", I regard those negative comments in a different sort of light. They have a certain cynicism about the past. Why weren't the people of the 1960s "geared toward true highly innovative discovery and data interpretation"? Was it simply the lack of data? But this was also the era which coined the term "information explosion", and developed new industries to handle it. If it is simply the lack of data, then surely in 50 years time people will say that Venter, Google Calico Labs, etc. themselves were hayseeds who used "jangled software approaches" that weren't "geared toward true highly innovative discovery and data interpretation", no?


Jangle definitions


a metallic sound; "the jingle of coins"; "the jangle of spurs"

See also: jingle


make a sound typical of metallic objects; "The keys were jingling in his pocket"

See also: jingle jingle-jangle