Itemization in a sentence as a noun

I just could not resist making the itemization complete.

Not only did it make zero sense but also made all character classes feel the same in terms of itemization.

Separate itemization of tax may be a legal requirement in some areas.

I'm sure there are also itemization and ability factors that I have no knowledge of whatsoever.

I got a reply in writing that it was $20k, a suspiciously round number without itemization.

But spare us the long-winded itemization of why this is 'objectively' better, when it's obviously a simple matter of taste.

And yes, circling back to the linked article, the AH exposes the poor itemization in a way that D2 didn't have so even if D3 itemization is the same as D2 it needed to be better.

[1]: The Auction House dramatically amplify your statistics, as itemization is always behind your current level.

Imagine sneaking through damp, dark cellars and have demons lurk around the corners, and everything built upon a solid itemization system and replayability with randomized maps.

"I think people of my bracket should be taxed higher, but I am going to avail myself of every existing loophole and itemization I can" - doesn't want to feel like a sucker, but agrees people in their bracket, themselves included, should pay more.

When a single price has been established for a combination of hot and cold food items, such as a meal or dinner which includes cold components or side items, tax applies to the entire established price regardless of itemization on the sales check.

Itemization definitions


the act of making a list of items

See also: listing itemisation